Everyone at Royal Papworth shares the aim of enhancing patient treatment and care for each and every one of Royal Papworth's patients.
Charity Team
We work together to identify and support the greatest areas of need within the hospital and help our dedicated supporters with their amazing fundraising efforts.
Together, with your support, we can continue to enhance patient care at the country's leading heart and lung hospital.
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Trustee Board
Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is the Corporate Trustee of Royal Papworth Charity. Royal Papworth Hospital is managed by a Board of Directors who in turn, makes up our Trustee Board - all board members are inducted as Trustees of the Charity when they start their role at the Trust.
The Board is made up of a mix of medically qualified and lay members including our Chairman, Professor John Wallwork, six other Non-executive Directors and six Executive Directors, including the Chief Executive.