The difference we make
Royal Papworth Charity provides an exceptional level of support to the hospital which often has a transformational and immediate impact. We are truly grateful to all of our wonderful supporters who raise money for the benefit of all of our patients, their relatives and our staff. From everyone at Royal Papworth Charity, we thank you for your kindness and generosity
Royal Papworth Charity has awarded a number of grants in support of a wide variety of projects designed to enhance the features, facilities, environment, research and the services of Royal Papworth Hospital.
From disability guides and Nurse Training Apprenticeships to a new hybrid theatre Royal Papworth has been fundamental in transforming the lives of thousands and providing hope for future patients. Only together can we continue to fund the delivery of world-leading medicine at Royal Papworth Hospital. Your continued support is vital as only together can we change the way heart and lung disease is treated forever, and save more lives.