Our 2022-27 Strategy
We will raise £20M for the five funding areas across Royal Papworth Hospital, the Charity will deliver five matching fundraising campaigns.
The 2022-27 Charity strategy prioritises projects that offer the best value of support, in the areas of most urgent need, which enable the Charity to fundraise most effectively.
Our wonderful supporters who donate or fundraise in aid of Royal Papworth ensure we are able to deliver the very best projects in line with our five areas of funding.
Royal Papworth Charity will provide tailored stewardship to our supporters, offer unique and exciting packages of support to our donors, encourage supporters to leave a gift in their Will and apply for grants from Trusts and Foundations.
Our supporters are at the heart of our new strategy, without you, we wouldn’t be able to support Royal Papworth Hospital in all the many ways that we do. We hope you join us over the next five years as we look forward to a brighter future for those with heart and lung disease.