Your old change could help to buy a travel bed to enable relatives to stay close, train a nurse, go towards the cost of post-operative medication or even go towards the cost of a DCD heart transplant operation. The potential ways your old foreign currency could make a difference are endless.
We’ve all got ‘that’ drawer that has old or foreign currency hidden away in every corner; why not act now and turn it into a gift for Royal Papworth Hospital!
The Charity is currently working with Leftover Currency who are providing an easy and simple way to finally clear out all of your old currency and support a great cause at the same time.
Please visit the Leftover Currency website today to find the quick and easy way to donate your old currency. Alternatively, send it to us and we can do all of the work for you!
Completing this simple task of finally getting rid of your old coins could not only free up your drawers but also help fund life-saving treatment for a patient in need.