With the support of our dedicated community of fundraisers, we can achieve incredible results and make a real impact in the fight against heart and lung disease.
Some of our achievements include
Developing new therapies and treatments for a wide range of heart and lung conditions, including pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary fibrosis, and heart failure.
Conducting ground-breaking clinical trials and experimental medicine trials that are at the forefront of cardiovascular and respiratory research.
Translating laboratory discoveries into practical applications that can be used to improve patient care.
Improving patient outcomes and quality of life through our innovative research and therapies.
There are still many unanswered questions and unmet needs in the field of cardiovascular and respiratory research. By continuing to support the Clinical Research Facility, you can help us find the missing pieces that can unlock the mysteries of heart and lung disease and create a better world for everyone.
Join us today and improve the lives of millions of people worldwide. Thank you for your support!